Apr 12, 2011

National Boat Racing Association Adopts E10 Ethanol Blend As Official Fuel For 2011

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the National Boat Racing Association (NBRA) announced yesterday that Hydroplane and Runabout racing boats will be flying across the lakes of the Midwest on a new fuel:  E10 ethanol.  The newly-formed partnership between the RFA and NBRA will provide all powered boats competing in the 2011 NBRA series event races with E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline).

“American boaters have been utilizing ethanol-blended fuel safely and effectively for years,” said Vernon Barfield, NBRA Spokesperson. “Ethanol-blended fuel provides the high-performance engines in this series with the horsepower and performance they need to win.  We are excited to show that our racing boats are able to perform to their best capability using E10 fuel, shaking the myths that ethanol harms marine engines.”

Today, nearly every gallon of gasoline sold in the United States is blended with ethanol, most commonly in the E10 formulation.  This blend of fuel has been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in all engine types, including marine equipment, automobiles, and small or non-road engines. These two-stroke engine boats will be taking engine performance to the next level, reaching top notch speeds operating on E10 fuel purchased from the same retail fuel locations as local consumers.

“We are thrilled to partner with NBRA to dispel any notion that ethanol is an unfit fuel for marine engines,” said Robert White, RFA Director of Market Development. “The use of E10 in these racing boats proves that this fuel is as effective during your weekly commute in your automobile as it is on your weekend boating trips.”

Through the partnership of the RFA and NBRA, ethanol pride will be displayed at every race.  To educate and inform consumers about the use of ethanol, Fan Packs of ethanol information will be give out to the first 200 attendees at each event with RFA’s “Fueled With Pride” logo displayed on uniforms, course buoys and flags, t-shirts sold at the races by NBRA, trophies presented at national events, near refueling areas of all boats, and on signs placed throughout the viewing area.  Through the Ethanol Driver Contingency Program, cash awards will be given to those who promote their use of E10. It is important that America’s consumers are aware the benefits ethanol blended fuels and the positive impact this domestic made fuel has on our environment and our economy.

(Crossposted from American Fuels)

1 comment:

  1. There is a huge difference between running E10 in a racing boat that has been tuned to run E10 and, say, you average boater with a 10-20 year old boat running a Mercruiser I/O. I can tell you from personal experience last summer that E10 and my 3.0L Mercruiser did not get along. The store I had been buying my gas at had no ethanol until the State of Vermont forced them to change over mid-summer. Well, my boat had been running great and I filled up there as I had been not realising that they had switched over to E10. I knew within a short amount of time on the water that something wasn't right as I was hearing backfiring out of the carb at anything over 2/3 throttle. If I backed off it was fine. The problem,though, is that I had already gone several miles with the throttle at WOT. The next trip out I filled the boat up at the marina with non-ethanol fuel and it ran perfectly fine again without any backfiring. I believe that the slight lean condition that the ethanol blend created is the culprit. At any rate I will not run it in my boat unless it is the only gas available at which point I will have to rejet the carb to avoid running lean at WOT. Just my .02.
